Reasons For Wearing Insoles For Flat Feet

By Cornelia White

There are a number of conditions that require insoles for flat feet. Another name for this foot type is known as fallen arches. The arch can be very low or be completely flat. This list is not meant to be extensive, but will show the various ways in which a person can end up with this type of foot.

There are some experts who believe that the flat foot is hereditary. It depends on a number of factors, but in most cases a person born with fallen arches usually does not have any trouble. Some children might develop this type of foot while growing up, even though they were not born with it. However, it is normal for babies to have little to no arch.

The pain or discomfort comes when a person has fallen arches due to other circumstances, like wearing high heels all the time. When all of the pressure is placed on the ball of the foot in high heel shoes, the arch does not work as hard. This uneven distribution of weight on the foot is a recipe for weakened tendons and ligaments in certain areas.

Obesity is another factor that can contribute to fallen arches since the extra weight can put a strain on the foot. Weight gain also occurs during pregnancy and this can cause the arches to weaken as well. This is why it is always important to keep one's weight under control as much as possible, as this could help to preserve the health of the foot.

One should also keep in mind that there are certain diseases which can cause debilitation in certain individuals. Cerebral palsy is a disorder which can cause one to have fallen arches due to the weakness of the muscles in various parts of the body. For each person with this condition, different muscles are affected.

There is also the sports arena where muscle damage in the foot can occur. An athlete might have to run for miles, or they might have to jump to various heights all the time as part of their sport. This can be too much for the foot and can lead to weakened arches. So one has to be careful of how much their body can take.

Tendons in the foot can also be overstretched which can result in a person putting pressure on the inner side of the foot when they walk. This can result in pain and tenderness which can be very difficult to handle. This is very true if the tendons are in the arch of the foot. This is why foot care is important if one wants their feet to last.

These are some of the reasons why someone would need to wear insoles for flat feet. If a person is not sure as to what type of support they need, they can visit a podiatrist who specializes in foot care. There are also foot centers in various places that have machines which measure the feet so that one can get a specific type of insole. By knowing exactly what the extent of the problem is, one will be able to get the right amount help.

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