Cheap Cheerleading Uniforms And Other Dance Items

By Chasity Sheppard

If you want a way to keep fit and make friends, it is worth considering becoming a cheerleader. There are plenty of opportunities to both support other sports teams and to compete for your own group. It is not as expensive as you may think, as the clothes you need can be bought cheaply, such as cheap cheerleading uniforms.

Firstly you need to find a cheer team. Usually there will be an advertisement for new members, and there are often a number of new people recruited at the same time. Alternatively, you could ask a squad directly if you already know which one you want to join.

Auditions can vary from team to team, but it is likely to revolve around dancing and tumbling. Some teams will take absolute beginners, perhaps just for classes to start with, before you can then move on to an events team. However, it is better for your chances of success if you can perform some moves like the splits or a few tumbles.

It can be hard to learn how to tumble. Professional guidance will lessen the risk of injury and will increase your confidence for the audition. This could be through an alternative sport like gymnastics, or you could join a cheer skills class that will prepare you for joining a performance team. There you can be taught how to perform a basic tumble, and if the class is connected with the team they could help you with general tips about how to impress.

When you have been accepted as a member, you will then need to buy your outfit. The standard dress is a skirt, shorts and top. For those cheering at outdoor events in cold weather, you may be allowed to wear a long sleeved top underneath the cheer top so as to keep warm.

A bow is another popular item. This can be worn in your hair whether it is up or down, and will usually fit with the team colours. There are a wide range of bows to choose from, and are often cheaper to buy in bulk.

A lot of the performances a cheerleader is required to do are supporting other sports teams. However, there are also specific competitions set up for cheer squads. Depending on the type of competition, your squad may choose to wear the normal outfit, or you could wear a costume. For example, a theme with matching costumes and music could make you stand out from the crowd.

Footwear is another important consideration. Trainers are the best thing to wear for training purposes, as you can dance as well as tumble. Usually the specified colour is white, but most squads will allow some room for logos, meaning you can search around for the cheapest deals.

Becoming a cheerleader is sure to bring you fun, friends and fitness, and it does not have to be expensive. Cheap cheerleading uniforms, bows and trainers are widely available. Consider urging the coach or captain to buy in bulk so that they can be sold cheaply to individual members of the team.

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