Introduction To Legal Paternity Testing

By Lora Jones

There are many reasons why people want to undergo legal paternity testing. Some want to confirm who their real father is while others just want to get rid of the doubt and confusion. Whatever the reason, the results can make a lot of difference.

The test is accurate because it is based on dna. DNA consists of genetic material, which is unique for every individual. By getting samples of dna and looking for similar markers, one can determine if the male in question is indeed the childs father. The process is thought to produce highly reliable results.

There are kits available so you can obtain samples. Once you have a sample, this can be sent to the facility that will do the processing. Kits are not costly but then you will still have to pay the facility for doing the test. You may want to check on several facilities first so you can find something that is affordable.

There are differences in the way this tests are being conducted. It will depend on whether the test is for informational purposes only or if it has to be utilized in a case. If it is the latter, then certain procedures will have to be followed to prevent tampering in the samples or in the results.

Since the test will be scrutinized in court and paperwork will have to be provided, it will be more costly. This does not mean however that home tests will have less accuracy. The laboratory will treat the samples in the same manner.

The test is useful for a variety of cases. For example, it can be a piece of evidence when someone is applying for adoption or if someone stands to inherit money or properties. It may be needed to determine who is responsible for supporting the child. If the test has to be used in any of these cases, then you should then you should start looking for qualified facilities in your area.

The procedure is strict when the test is to be used in court. Someone would have to be there when samples are being obtained. The individuals will be identified before a sample is taken. Then the samples will be secured so that no one can tamper with it.

The test can be done in either at home or at the facility and stricter measures will be enforced. It can take two days or more to get the results, depending on the center you have chosen. Considerations have to be made if for example the child and the supposed father are not living in the same area. The schedule for taking those samples will also be up to you.

Legal paternity testing is done to verify who is the father of a child. The use of dna in this type of tests means that the results are highly accurate. When the results are to be legally binding, the integrity of the process, from start to finish will be ensured. This is more expensive compared to those that are only being done for peace of mind.

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