Having Trouble Suffering With Hemorrhoid Distress? These Tips Will Help!

By Dana Perry

Internal hemorrhoids exist on the inside the rectum, and hemorrhoids that appear on the surrounding skin are considered external. External hemorrhoids can be painful, more so than the internal variety, but both types can be prevented and treated by applying the following tips. To lessen the effect that hemorrhoids have on your life, read the information contained in this article.

Hemorrhoids can be compared to chicken pox; both are very irritating and cause a lot of itchiness. You must fight the urge to scratch so that you do not tear them open. Opening up the skin when you scratch hemorrhoids can increase the pain you feel, as well as possibly opening you up to infections created by contamination entering your body through the raw skin.

Sit in a lukewarm bath while raising your knees. The warm water should make the inflammation and irritation go away. Warm water will help blood to get to the hemorrhoid, and it will get rid of swelling and pain. This can be repeated as frequently as you wish, and you'll experience quick relief.

Adding vitamin A to your diet can help with pain and swollen veins from hemorrhoids. Carrots are an excellent source of Vitamin A, which aids in reducing hemorrhoid pain.

It is ok to use a cream, but minimize the frequency. Creams do not actually alleviate any swelling or irritation, but they do numb the pain associated with hemorrhoids. Check with your physician if you have to put these on for longer than seven days. Using creams too often could cause pain rather than relief.

If you want to decrease the pain and inflammation of your hemorrhoids, try consuming grape seed oil. Bleeding from hemorrhoids may be indicative of the presence of a minor infection; grape seed oil kills that infection.

To help you deal with hemorrhoid symptoms, include items like whole grains, fruit and vegetables in your diet. If you have a healthier diet, the less likely hemorrhoids will be.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, it is critical to eat as little processed food as possible, especially those that contain a lot of sugar. By consuming high fat or high sugar foods, you are more likely to get gas, bloating or discomforts and will make hemorrhoids harder to control.

See a doctor immediately if you aren't sure that your symptoms are due to hemorrhoids. Because of their location, it is sometimes hard to determine whether you have a polyp or a hemorrhoid. If you don't know, have your doctor check it out.

If you have hemorrhoids, you should find a stool softener that you can take on a regular basis. In the event you need to strain very hard in order to move your bowels, you will likely suffer serious discomfort and perhaps exacerbate the issue.

Making an enema can help you cope with hemorrhoids. First you will want to steep 2 diced up garlic cloves in 2 cups of boiling hot water for 30 minutes. Allow the water to cool down. Then, when it's at room temperature, use the water to provide yourself with an enema once per day.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids were covered at the beginning of this article. External and internal hemorrhoids can produce different symptoms and levels of pain and can be easy to tell apart because of this. By following the advice of this article, you can learn more about prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids.

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