How To Get Sexy Abs - A Woman's Guide

By Steve Junto

Are you looking to trim away belly fat and look hot at the lake house this summer? Well, there are several reasons that might be responsible for your tummy flub; pregnancy, holiday treats, and a busy lifestyle are only a couple. However, losing belly fat is not only important so to look good at the lake house, it's an important health aspect to ensure you live a long and healthy life!

Women are always on the go in today's world and many simply don't have enough time for an exercise program. Lets also not forget to mention working moms who are even busier! Another cause of belly fat might be from consuming fast food/junk food, or alcoholic beverages. Not to worry, here is a brief guide on the top ab workouts for women that will definitely help you successfully eliminate your belly fat and give you stunning abs:

Cable Crunch - if you're a newbie, then it's a really great exercise to start your ab routine with. Keep in mind that likely you can't perform this exercise in your home because it requires a weight stack and cable machine. Nevertheless, the exercise is very simple and straightforward though. You'll attach the metal cable to the weight stack (remember - don't put too much weight on the stack, rather start adding more weight regularly) and hold the cable handle behind your head and kneel on your knees and start pulling the cable while focusing on a quality ab crunch. Initially, you can start with 2-3 sets of 15-25 reps.

Hanging Knee Raise - another must have exercise in your daily workout regime. It will give you a complete exercise for your lower abs. To complete the exercise, you don't need any equipment! Simply hang from anything that can hold your weight (something sturdy like a pull up bar). Keep your legs together, grasp the pull up bar behind your head and start to pull your knees up. To add a variation to the exercise, just spread your grip a little wider and feel the burn! You can start this exercise with 2-3 sets of 10-20 reps.

Dumbbell Side Bends - initially you'll find this exercise much easier than the hanging knee raise or any other exercise. But believe it or not - it's really a great exercise that perfectly shapes your waist. It's really simple to perform. Grasp a dumbbell firmly in one hand, while keeping the dumbbell parallel to the floor bend at the waist to the same side as the hand with the dumbbell. This will work your oblique muscles. Try doing 3 sets of 18 reps with each side.

Crunch - this is the key exercise for any ab workout routine. There are a number of variations that are commonly used by body builders and fitness instructors around the world. Some of most popular and widely used variations of this exercise are - arms crossed crunch, arms down crunch, crunch up, incline crunch, incline arms down crunch and many others. However, among all of these variations - arms crossed, arms down, and incline crunch are most popular of many bodybuilders.

Well, there are 4 fantastic exercises to help you get sexy abs that you can start today! Doing these exercises 3 times every week is guaranteed to begin to chip away at belly flub and reveal your sexy abs within. Before beginning any fitness program we highly suggest consulting with your doctor or fitness trainer to ensure you're healthy enough to perform these exercises.

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