Effective Weight Loss Strategies

We are a nation that is obsessed with dieting. Statistics indicate that 50% of all American women are on a diet at any given time. The percentage of men dieting is 25%. Americans spent over 70 billion dollars in 2011 on weight loss related services and products. Approximately 95% of all dieters regain all the weight they lost within five years. Diets don't work. It is lifestyle changes that will help you to lose the weight in a healthy and permanent way. Chronic dieting in fact, can lead to serious health complications and even slow down your metabolism.
Before beginning any diet it is always a good idea to get a complete physical from your medical provider. Sometimes weight problems can be linked to underlying disease such as diabetes. One of the simplest techniques is to continue eating foods that you enjoy. The deprivation technique of most diets backfires on people. You will eventually give in to the cravings and spiral into overeating. You should think about the foods that you love and simply reduce the amount that you purchase and consume. For example, if you enjoy chocolate chip cookies you should still have a few throughout the week. This can be your "reward" snack. The concept is simple to follow. You will be able to satisfy your cravings and prevent binge eating. Just choose wisely and select a few of your favorite foods.
Mini-Meals: We are a culture that believes in consuming three large meals. But this eating style puts extra stress on our digestive system. It is far better to eat smaller meals that are nutritionally balanced. Your body will be able to metabolize the food more readily and you will also have increased energy throughout the day. You will lessen the likelihood of being hungry and eating things that are bad for you. For example, a breakfast could be a cup of oatmeal with raisins and honey. A mid morning snack could be fruit and yogurt. A small lunch could be a few ounces of turkey with cheese. The idea is to eat small meals that will provide you with the nutrients you need. Stay hydrated: Drinking lots of pure clean water helps you to lose weight. Whenever you feel hungry start by drinking a glass of water. You may simply be dehydrated. If it's hard for you to drink plain water you can add herbal tea. Brew and chill for a delicious calorie free beverage.
Protein is important: Many people avoid protein when trying to lose weight because they think it is too high in calories. This is simply not true. Of course, eating fattening red meats are high in calories. But proteins such as turkey, chicken and white pork are lean and low in calories. A 6 ounce portion of roasted turkey breast is less than 200 calories. There are many success stories of people who follow high protein diets and take off the weight. You have to balance your protein intake with adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates as well. Avoid simple carbohydrates which are sugar and white flour products. An ideal protein rich meal could be chicken with roasted vegetables and wild rice. Protein snacks include nuts, cheese and yogurt. Protein helps to preserve muscle mass. If you avoid protein when dieting you will lose muscle and feel tired and weak. Protein also helps your body to burn fat and improves the effectiveness of your metabolism.
Healthy Fiber: Fiber is effective for weight loss. Women should aim for 25 grams daily and men approximately 40 grams. You can find fiber in foods such as whole grains, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables. Fiber helps the digestive process and lowers your cholesterol. Increase your fiber intake for your health as well as for weight loss. Spices: Hot spices have been shown to speed up the metabolism and help in weight loss. Spices help to flavor foods and reduce the caloric levels of the foods you eat. Instead of adding fattening ingredients like butter and cheese, try adding some delicious spices like garlic, turmeric, cilantro, parsley and cayenne pepper.
Adequate Rest: If your body is stressed or you don't get enough sleep it will be harder for you to lose weight. Your body produces a hormone called leptin when you have enough rest. Leptin helps you to feel full and satisfied after eating. A decrease in this hormone can leave you feeling hungry even after eating. So make sure to get consistent and sufficient sleep. If you are under a great deal of stress you need to find constructive ways to deal with it. Prolonged stress can have devastating effects on your health and well-being.
These are some effective general guidelines for losing weight. When undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes, always consult with your medical provider especially if you have been diagnosed with any disease or are taking prescription medication.
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By Tina C. Loren

Is Cardio Good for Weight Loss?

Which consistent theme do you hear from most health gurus on how to lose weight? The answer - "Do lots of cardio." You will hear from just about every diet coach that you should consume fewer calories and do more cardiovascular exercise. It is the age-old 'Get-on-a-treadmill-and-run' mantra. Of course, this advice stems from the belief that your body is an energy balance and that you must burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight. So what is the result of cardio training?
Exclusive cardio exercises come at a price. Now, when I say cardio, I am referring to cardiovascular endurance training. Key word: endurance. Cardio is long, drawn-out sessions of physical endurance that raise your heart rate for durations of at least 20 minutes (usually 45+ minutes). Examples of cardio exercises include jogging on a treadmill for 30 minutes, a long bicycle ride, swimming for an extended period of time, running more than a 5K, or an hour-long aerobics class. Please note that I am not including sprints into this category. Remember, the duration must be at least 20 minutes to be considered cardio.
So what is wrong with cardio training? Cardiovascular exercises burn muscle while preserving fat! You read that correctly. After an extended exercise interval, your body will burn muscle for fuel, and will later store more energy in fat tissue. From a physiological perspective, this makes perfect sense! Why should your body sport a lot of muscle when you are just moving from one location to another? Basic locomotion does not require much muscle. Your muscles are actually a hindrance: they weigh you down requiring more effort, and they burn calories just to function. Having more muscle boosts your metabolism, which means you burn more calories with the same amount of activity. Now, this may sound great to you (especially if you are trying to lose weight), but it is terrible news to your energy-hoarding body. To adapt to long cardiovascular sessions, your body wants to be as light as possible, while maintaining an energy repository. And what is the best way to store energy? Fat tissue- of course. There are more calories per gram with fat than with carbohydrates or proteins. So, to maximize energy storage and minimize weight, your body stores more fat and burns muscle. This reason explains why marathon runners are not muscular.
Of course, many people fixate on the weight loss aspect. Yes, it is true that cardio can help you lose weight. After all, I just stated that your body wants to minimize the weight to take the strain off your leg muscles. If your goal is simply weight loss, cardio training can help you get there. But simple weight loss is a terrible goal. You will end up like these marathon runners who are underweight but are clinically obese based on body fat (>30%). High body fat is unhealthy, no matter what your weight is. The takeaway is to focus on more short-term, intense bursts of exercise and NOT fattening, long-duration cardio training.
Are you struggling to lose weight? Download a FREE ebook on weight-loss secrets at http://www.dietwithoutpain.com.

How To Weight Loss Tips That Will Bring You Stunning and Quick Results

When attempting to lose weight, it's important to maintain a consistency. To stick with it. There are an abundance of resources that are available to you to help you lose weight. The tips in this article are among those resources.
You should test reducing your consumption of milk and dairy products, monitoring if it helps speed your weight loss. Some people may be lactose intolerant or have milk allergies that they do not know of. This often leads to weight gain and frequent bloating without any discernible cause. I know my wife dropped all her dairy product intake and saw rapid results in belly fat reduction.
You can get the best results with weight loss by watching nutrition labels for ingredients that promote weight gain. Pay close attention to how many calories are in each serving of food. Bear in mind that most packages have multiple servings, and that you have to multiply the calories per serving by the number of servings you ultimately eat. Don't forget to check the carbohydrates and sugar contained in the food product.
Losing weight isn't that difficult, when you really think about it. Losing weight can be easy if you keep an open mind and stay motivated. Keep the goal of burning calories in mind, and increase your every day activities to increase that process. You need to be active if you want to lose weight. Working out greatly enhances weight loss, provided you understand how to train effectively.
Exercising to get fit is an important part of any weight loss plan. You should strive for at least thirty minutes per day. You could achieve this by joining a club or a gym that has the activity that you want to do, like tennis or dancing. This is a great way to expand your social circle. Often times these people will motivate you to reach your goals.
Cleaning your home is a great way to exercise. Cleaning your house is a surprisingly good workout when done vigorously and a great way to shed those extra pounds. Listening to music while doing this can cause you to dance and burn even more calories. Do not dismiss this idea, several of my clients, especially the ones up in age, have greatly benefitted by applying this simple advice.
If you use a smaller plates and bowls while eating your meals, you will likely eat less. Many studies have proven that people eat whatever is on their plate, whether it is large or small portion sizes. When you use a smaller plate, it will fill it up and make it seem as though you are eating more. If this is not an option, just put smaller portions on your existing plates. When dieting down for a contest, I instruct my students to apply this and they have greatly enhanced their dietary efforts as a result. It works.
Keep a food diary/journal. Make a quick note of every morsel that you consume, and all exercises you engage in. If you track these things, you're more likely to lose weight. Some conscientious dieters lose twice as much than those who are not paying enough attention.
Discuss diets with friends and family. Talk to people who resemble how you would like your body to look. See if they won't let you in on their secrets to slimness and a toned body. You might get some information from them that will assist you in your weight loss endeavors.
To stay healthy with a running metabolism that burns calories throughout the day, try eating a little all day. Every 2.5 hours is usually the key. Eat a small healthy meal when a hunger craving strikes between normal meal times. Avoid sweet, salty, or fatty snacks and try to plan healthy alternatives if you think you will get hungry before your next meal. This increases your body's metabolism in an effort to burn more calories.
If you wish to succeed with weight loss, you can always seek assistance from a diet specialist who can work out a personalized diet for you. Every person has a different body, so some diets will work better for some than others. A professional can tell you what you need to do to lose weight.
Make sure to form good habits in your new weight loss regimen and stick to them. Concentrating on positive change is a smart, simple way to remain on a diet. Replace bad habits with new ones; rather than getting a cup of ice cream after work every day, try finding a fresh fruit stand that you like. Over the course of your diet, you will find that new, healthier eating habits are much more beneficial across the board than keeping those previous habits.
Try and avoid skipping meals when you're on a weight loss program. If you skip a meal you will only end up more hungry at the next one, and that could lead to overeating. Skipping meals may appear to be a quick fix, but it's actually a terrible idea. Your ability to burn excess weight (fat) is greatly diminished because you begin to store fat by not eating.
Walnuts are a wonderful food to have when on a diet. Studies have shown that including walnuts in meals helped people to feel more full that those who ate traditional meals. Walnuts make a great healthy snack alternative.
You must be sure that you are eating healthy foods at appropriate times to get the most of your diet plan. If you do not eat much at night, you will most likely be famished in the morning and will want a larger breakfast. You should aim to get the majority of your daily calories from breakfast and lunch.
One goal of this article was to inform you and get you to recognize that help does exist and further reading and investigation can provide you with the concepts necessary to really get rid of extra weight.
Need a step-by-step how to instructions? Taylor, your go to source for weight loss and body transformations, breaks it down for you by making it easier than ever to lose weight, reduce belly fat and get into the best shape of your life. Go to Building Better Bodies Blog for a free, comprehensive and informative resource that grows by the day. Feel free to ask questions, post responses, etc. We would love to see you there!

Top 4 Weight Loss Diets You Should NOT Even Consider! (And What Works Better Instead)

Are you still searching around for weight loss diets that actually work? Or, have you've gotten all excited about a particular diet, started it, and then ended up giving up on it because it wasn't working for you? Well, whatever your case may be, there are 4 diets in particular that I strongly recommend you don't even consider.
These 4 diets below will do you more harm than good... and will cost you a TON of money in the long run.
Also, besides mentioning which types of diets I recommend you avoid, I'm also going to talk about the type of diet I recommend the most and is the one I personally used myself to help me with losing over 50 pounds in 8 weeks... permanently!
Here are the 4 types of diets I recommend you avoid by all means possible:
1. Replacing food with supplements...
This type of dieting involves strictly drinking protein shakes and/or taking lots of supplements to replace eating real food.
What happens on a diet like this? Well, in a nutshell, you'll end up causing issues with your metabolism, your digestive system, and so much more!
2. Starvation dieting...
With a diet like this, you severely restrict calories in an attempt to lose weight by being in a HUGE calorie deficit. This is by far one of the WORST ways to diet!
You will most certainly cause issues with your digestive system and your metabolism. Plus, you obviously can't stay on a diet like this for good, therefore, once you start eating normal again, you'll more than likely suffer from yo-yo weight loss.
Not to mention, being on a diet like this is a surefire way to feel miserable everyday! No energy, super strong cravings, unstoppable hunger pangs, a weakened immune system, and more!
3. Detox dieting...
Now, don't get me wrong here. I HIGHLY recommend that you cleanse your body of toxins and waste that is more than likely in your body as you read this article. This stuff accumulates over the years due to the processed foods we eat, the air we breathe, the things we drink, and so much more.
However, going on a diet program that is specifically based around doing a detox is something I recommend you avoid. These types of diets are pretty much a combination of #1 and #2 above.
A simple and natural way I recommend you detox is to simply drink at least 1/2 ounce of water per pound of your current body weight, increase how much green veggies you eat, add freshly squeezed lemon to your water, and drink 3 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar (I recommend the Bragg brand) mixed with 8 ounces of water 3 times a day. Easy, natural, safe, quick, and effective.
4. Restricting nutrients...
You would think that eliminating carbs and fats would be the answer to you FINALLY getting that body you have always wanted, but unfortunately (and confusingly), that is further from the truth.
Eliminating carbs and fats will do nothing for you except extend how long it takes for you to get in shape, it will cause problems with your digestive system and metabolism, and you miss out on the opportunity to improve many areas of your internal health (digestive health, heart health, cholesterol levels, blood pressure level, artery health, and more).
Now, this doesn't mean I'm recommending you chow down on some high carbohydrate food or some high fatty food. What I'm talking about is eating GOOD carbs and GOOD fats. And yes, they do exist!
Good carbs are foods high in fiber (such as quinoa, dark green veggies, and apples), and good fats are foods high in monounsaturated fat and omega fatty acids (such as fish, nuts, and olive oil).
Now, The Type Of Diet I Do Recommend You Consider (That I Personally Used Myself)...
A diet that will skyrocket your metabolism using the one thing your body has always wanted... FOOD! That's right, as ironic as it sounds, EATING (in the right patterns with the right nutrients) more foods more often throughout the day will cause your bodies metabolism to increase to the max, and it will cause an increase in your bodies fat burning hormones. The key here is to eat foods in a specific pattern that will PREVENT your bodies metabolism from getting complacent.
Click Here to learn more about this type of metabolism boosting diet that caused me to lose an average of 6 pounds a week... naturally and permanently.
On the next page, you'll find out exactly what it's going to take to FINALLY achieve your weight loss goals... without the headaches, without the setbacks, and do it all quickly, easily, and without spending a ton of your hard earned money! Click: www.FatLossIn11Days.info to learn more.

Choosing the Right Weight Loss Solutions for You

The journey to lose weight can be a daunting experience whether you are trying to lose weight to be healthier or just to get a leaner, sexier body. Some of the apprehension associated with embarking on a weight reduction challenge can be eliminated by becoming aware of the different weight loss solutions that are available and how they can work for you.
One of the first ways people usually try to lose weight is by going on a diet. There are many different diets available which may or may not work for you; the key is to ensure that whatever diet you choose is healthy. Diets are not necessarily inherently healthy. If they do not provide the necessary nutrition for healthy daily living they can be harmful. Dieting for weight loss is meant to reduce the amount of calories you take in daily in an effort to lose weight.
Three thousand five hundred calories is the equivalent to one pound. Therefore, if you cut that amount of calories from your diet in a week you will lose one pound. Many people get discourage in their diets because they are unable to lose weight even though they eat less. The truth is a good weight loss diet is not solely determined by how much you eat but also what you eat. To be successful at a diet you must be aware of the amount of calories you consume at all times. This can be done with the help of a good nutritionist or dietician who can set you on your way to a healthy weight loss diet.
Exercise is another tool used to lose weight and improve fitness. Exercise is usual used along with a good weight loss diet to trim down and tone up. Similarly to diets, exercise is concerned with calories. Exercise is used to burn calories from the body. So if you burn three thousand five hundred calories in a week from exercise and reduce your weekly caloric intake by the same amount you will lose two pounds from your weight. Aerobics and other types of cardio work-outs are especially good at burning fat but a good exercise regimen will usually include both cardio and weight training exercises.
Diet supplements such as diet pills are also used to help shed unwanted weight. They usually come in the form of either a fat burner, appetite suppressant or a combination of both. It is best that you research the different diet pills that are available before choosing one because some have been known to produce harmful side effects. Diet supplements containing natural ingredients are safer to use.
Finally, some people resort to more extreme weight reduction methods such as surgery to help them lose their extra weight. Surgeries like gastric bypass surgery and liposuction should be researched thoroughly and discussed at length with your health care provider in order to ensure that you are adequately informed about the risks and advantages of these types of surgeries.

Effective Weight Loss Foods For Both Men And Women

Diet is an important part of every successful weight-loss program. What is consumed as food is a big determinant of how much excess fat one can lose in any of such plans. In general, the most effective weight loss foods are those that are natural. The best diet is the one that has a mixture of vegetables, fruits, fish, whole grains and meals that are rich in fiber. It is important to take out time to learn how these foods can be properly combined in correct proportions.
Several persons embark on short term diet plans that help to speed up the rate at which their bodies burn off fat. Such quick programs are only effective for a short time. They are not suitable for long periods because they are detrimental to general health.
To effectively shed excess fat, one has to lose it continuously until a moderate body mass is attained. One must know the best meals that should become part of everyday diet. That knowledge will assist in the maintenance of a moderate size.
Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables helps to increase metabolism which enables the body to use up more calories. Selecting a variety of fruits is necessary in order to get the right amount of nutrients. The reason for this is that no single fruit possesses all the nutrients required by the human body.
Another benefit of fruits is that they are high in antioxidants. These help our bodies to get rid of harmful toxins. Examples of nutritious fruits are cherries, avocados, oranges, and apples.
Vegetables and fruits like oranges and pineapples are high in vitamin C. They are a good stimulator for weight loss. Examples of vegetables that are good for shedding excess fats are spinach, cabbage, red bell peppers, alfalfa sprouts, beets, and broccoli. They all contain antioxidants as well as valuable nutrients which assist in speeding up the fat burning process of the body. It is however advisable to consume only fresh fruits and vegetables.
Starchy carbohydrates and whole grains are vital foods that should be part of everyday diet. They are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates which provide the body with lots of energy that is required to do exercises and other physical activities. Their high fiber contents also provide a full feeling for a longer time, which helps one to eat less during the day. Consuming complex carbohydrates as breakfast or lunch helps one to burn more fat as the day progresses. Examples of good complex carbohydrate meals are brown rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, yams, barley, sweet potatoes, and whole wheat pasta.
Fish is another good example of weight loss foods for both men and women. Regular consumption of fish helps the body to react better to certain hormones that helps to suppress appetite as well as store less amount of fat in the body. It is very rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which are greatly beneficial to the human body. This nutrient has been positively associated with lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Tuna, salmon, herring, and sardines are all good fish sources of omega 3 fatty acids.
Visit Fat-loss-diet-program.com for fat loss food plan that will help you lose weight quickly. With our fat loss food plan you will learn how to keep the weight off for good. Let us change the way you think about dieting today!

Fast and Easy Weight Loss Solutions

Obesity has become one of the biggest banes of modern times. If it's not unhealthy junk food and sugary drinks tempting you, it's 24-hour programming that has you glued to the TV set and fixed on the couch. Add to that sedentary jobs, video games and general lack of physical activity and you have a recipe for disaster!
But if you're determined to cut excess fat out of your life, let me tell you it's easier than you think. All you need to do is put your mind to it and make a few simple lifestyle changes. To get you started on the path to weight loss, I'll let you in on some slimming secrets that have worked for me:
Lose weight naturally
The first and most important decree of weight loss is to focus on finding healthy and natural weight loss solutions. Popping slimming pills or starting a crash diet in a desperate attempt to lose weight can cause serious health problems. But at times, restricting the consumption of certain food groups becomes necessary to lose body fat. If you find yourself in such a situation, look for diet programs that are wholesome, healthy and provide you adequate nutrition.
Increase water intake
Water intake plays a crucial role in losing weight. Water is believed to quicken the weight loss process as it boosts metabolism and flushes out toxins from the body. So, drinking plenty of water every day is a non-negotiable rule of weight loss. Consume at least 8-10 large glasses of water every day, if not more. Have a water bottle at hand all the time and keep sipping from it every few minutes. You can squeeze a bit of lemon or dip some herbal/green tea bags in lukewarm water for variation.
Eat healthy
It doesn't take rocket science to understand that permanent weight loss is impossible without eating healthy. How does one maintain a healthy, nutritious diet? Here are some simple dos and don'ts:
• Say no to junk, fried and sugar-loaded foods as well as colas.
• Include lots of vegetables, fruit and legumes in your diet.
• Have small, frequent meals and never skip breakfast.
• Avoid late dinners and mid-night snacking.
• As far as possible, prepare your own meals.
• If you socialize regularly, eat before you leave.
• Avoid pre-prepared or packaged meals, bars and shakes.
• Choose whole grains instead of refined; lean meat in place of regular; substitute full-fat dairy with low-fat.
If you are on a structured weight loss program, it will have its own set of eating regulations. Make sure you follow the instructions of the program to the letter if you want to reach your goal.
Exercise regularly
You can try as many weight loss solutions as you want, but nothing will work unless you make regular exercise an integral part of your life. Most weight loss and fitness experts agree 30 minutes of exercise is necessary to not just lose weight, but also to maintain optimal body weight. Thirty minutes of jogging, cycling, yoga, Pilates, aerobics, or whichever form of exercise you find interesting and stimulating can do wonders for your body. Exercise also releases the "feel good" hormone endorphin into the blood stream, making one feel energized and happy. Additionally, make it a habit to take stairs instead of elevators and escalators and walk wherever possible.
Sleep Well
Sleeping is believed to be associated with the production of appetite inducing and repressing hormones. Inadequate sleep elevates the level of appetite stimulating hormone. At the same time, it lowers the level of appetite repressing hormone leading to pangs of hunger in people who don't get enough sleep. Sleeping is also the time when your body rejuvenates and repairs. A good night's sleep prepares your body for the challenges of the next day!
None of the slimming secrets I shared above can be termed "secret" in the strictest sense of the term. These are things we are all well aware of, but choose to overlook for various reasons. It just takes a little bit of grit and determination to make these practices a part of your life. The result, I promise, will show for itself!
Jason is a self-proclaimed fitness freak. He has made the journey from an out of shape 180-pounder to a 155-pound lean machine. The transformation was made possible by the weight loss program he started a few years ago and ever since then, he doesn't spare any opportunity to spread the good word around for these structured weight loss plans.
He lives in New York with his wife of two years. His other interests include traveling and painting. He has painted over 50 beautiful landscapes while visiting foreign countries and he plans on opening an art gallery in New York at the end of the year to display his artwork.

Sleep and Weight Loss

Are you getting enough sleep?  Did you know that sleep and weight loss are linked?
Several studies have linked sleep and weight loss. If you sleep less than six hours a night, you increase your chances of being overweight or obese. The consequences of being obese are significant.  Obesity is strongly related to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even some cancers.
Which comes first? Does the lack of sleep lead to obesity or does obesity lead to a lack of sleep? It turns out they feed off of each other.
  • A lack of sleep increases your time awake and therefore increases your chances of eating. Unless you sleep walk, you can't eat while you are sleeping. The midnight snack was invented by people who were awake at midnight.
  • Sleeping less may affect hormones that monitor feelings of hunger and fullness. If your body's signaling devices are telling you that you're hungry more often or affecting when you feel full, you will find it more difficult to eat and drink fewer calories.
  • A lack of sleep may lower a person's basal metabolic rate so that they burn fewer calories than a similar person who sleeps more. That's right! Your body is slowing down in it's bid to recover from the previous day with inadequate sleep.
  • Sleeping deprivation lowers your energy during the day which will lower your desire to exercise. Who wants to exercise when they can barely keep their eyes open or when they would rather take a nap on the couch because they didn't get enough sleep?
  • Unfortunately, your weight gain may hinder your sleep. The excess weight can inhibit your breathing and lower the amount of oxygen you get as you sleep. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea are more common in obese people than in normal weight persons. Sleep apnea is a disorder that can lead to heart and lung issues.
You may have created a vicious circle. You gain weight as you get less sleep and you find it more difficult to sleep as you gain weight. What can you do about? Below are five tips that may help you sleep more than seven hours a night.
  1. Don't drink caffeine, eat chocolates or eat foods high in sugar after 2:00 in the afternoon. Yes 2:00 PM is arbitrary. Experiment with a cutoff time, but remember, caffeine and sugars will keep you awake.
  2. Don't watch television in bed and turn off your computer and cell phone an hour before going to sleep. Sound and visual stimuli bombard us. It is difficult to rest when your brain is still wired to your electronics. Turn them off and either read, talk or meditate.
  3. Experiment with when you exercise. Try it in the morning and see if it increases your energy and helps you sleep. Or try it at night after dinner and see if that helps with sleep. Either way, exercise as it will use energy, burn calories and reduce stress.
  4. Don't sleep in on weekends. If you can stay consistent with your sleep times on weekends, you will have a better chance of getting to sleep on Sunday night.
  5. Turn your brain off. Write down the items you need to tackle and place them in a drawer for the next morning. Meditate or practice deep breathing and let go of the day's problems. They will still be there in the morning. You can either tackle them refreshed or fatigued.

Creating a Weight Loss Program on Your Own

Losing weight effectively has been the goal of many people but they sometimes think that they do not have the resources to pursue this goal. The DIY weight loss solution is a perfect way to lose weight without spending too much money or searching for numerous resources. The DIY weight loss practice has been highly recommended by many professionals as it gives people a sense of satisfaction that they are hands on in trying to lose weight at home or wherever they are. It is also harder for them to break away from their plans as they have created it on their own and they would normally want to see it through until the end.
Examine Yourself
The first step in DIY effective weight loss solution is to accept that you have a problem in your weight and you need to change before it becomes worse. The first thing to do is examine your weight. Measuring the body mass index is one way to determine where your body stands. Are you underweight, overweight, obese, or normal? If you do not know how to compute for the body mass index then you can visit the internet as plenty of DIY weight loss solution websites offer the body mass index calculator for free. Another measurement that you should take is the waist to hip ratio. Again, many health websites offer a calculator for computing this and it would help you determine if the fat in your body is a health risk with the way it is distributed.
Let other People Examine You
After knowing where your body stand, then it is time for you to seek a professional that would guide you in dealing with your plans to have an effective weight loss solution. A doctor can help you double check your body mass index and explain underlying conditions that you might have which can interfere with your weight loss plans. They can tell you which solutions to avoid as it might complicate your conditions or the risks that your current body weight can cause to your health.
A personal fitness trainer can also help you in determining fat levels and examining strength and overall fitness of the body. This can be your basis in formulating what types of exercise would help you lose weight at home effectively. Dieticians can also help you as they can examine your current food intake and make some changes to effectively cut down the things that causes weight gain the most.
Know What You Want to Achieve
After determining where you body condition presently stands, then it is time to set goals that you want to achieve. This would help you formulate your plan as you would have a concrete objective to work on. Many people give up on their DIY weight loss solution because they believe that it is not working for them the moment that their goals are not met. Losing weight is a long process especially if you have taken the natural way minus the pills and the tablets or any supplements available in the market right now. You can start by setting a simple goal such as a small number of kilograms to lose by the end of the month. Gradually you can increase your goals when you are accustomed to your weight loss solution.
Stick to Your Exercise Regimen
Regular exercise also helps people to lose weight effectively so you should make it to a point to create a regimen that would complement your diet and your goals. Home exercises are very convenient and an effective weight loss solution especially if you work at an office and you do not have much time in visiting a gym. If you are new to having an exercise routine, you can start with low intensity workouts such as following exercise DVDs showing yoga, Pilates, aerobics, and even dancing. Walking, swimming, and cycling are also low intensity exercises that you can add to your DIY weight loss solution plan.
Stick to Your Meal Plan
When you have planned your meal such as what to consume and what to stay away from, make sure that you stick with it. Eating small portions is good but make sure that you do not starve yourself. People are at risk of gaining weight or overeating if they have been starved so this solution is highly ineffective. You can start by cutting down on small portions of your food until your body has adapted to the current amount of meal you are taking. You can also cut down on your snacks and in between meals as these are usually the cause of gaining weight. Switching from calorie filled foods to vegetables, fruits, and fiber rich meals would help you lose weight at home effectively.
Keep Track of Your Results
The best way to know if your plan is working is to keep track of the results. You can do this by measuring you weight again, computing for your body mass index, and measuring your waist and hip line. Keep in mind that you do not have to measure yourself everyday as the results would be gradual and would only be noticeable after a week, half a month, or even one month. Refrain from measuring and measuring yourself obsessively as it would not help you. It would only discourage you especially if the results are not what you wanted to see. Give it time, as applying a DIY weight loss solution is a lifetime commitment and should be observed so that you would maintain the weight you have worked on.
A great weight loss solution and additional information can be found at the Dieting Direction. Read more about it via this link ( http://www.dietingdirection.com/ ).

Juicing for Weight Loss and Better Health

A week ago my sister started a juice fast. She said she wanted to do it for weight loss and as a way to cleanse herself internally. Many people fast for such purposes. A juice cleanse is one of the most common methods that people use to help jump start a weight loss program or to simply help cleanse their body of toxins.
The method my sister chose was by purchasing a three day cleansing program from a company that specializes in all natural juice. These juices were made up of 100% fruits and/or vegetables. She drank these juices for three days and was allowed to eat certain foods when hungry. The results were weight loss and a new love for juicing. She ended up purchasing her own juicer and continues to drink fruits and vegetables as part of her diet now.
A juice fast can be one of the easiest types of fasts to do. Rather than not eating anything at all, you are taking in liquid while getting vitamins and minerals as well. The downside is that you will be hungry and even more so when you have to be around others who are eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The smell of food will make you want to throw in the towel. However, three days isn't extremely long. It just takes discipline to finish. After my sister completed her cleanse, I can share what the pros and cons were:
  • A juice fast is simple and easy to follow
  • Can be inexpensive if you juice fruits and vegetables yourself
  • Weight loss
  • More than likely will continue drinking fresh juice on a regular basis
  • Requires patience and discipline
  • Temptation to quit can be high
  • Can be expensive depending on the plan you follow
Besides the weight loss, I feel the best benefit is that my sister has a whole new outlook on food. She says her cravings are gone and she enjoys the way juicing makes her feel. Her food choices are much better. In fact, her diet has been consisting of items such as broiled fish and vegetables.
Juice cleanses should not be started without consulting with a health professional to be on the safe side. I also would avoid any plan that lasts longer than three days and states that you cannot consume food at all.
Another option for cleansing the body is through the use of herbal cleanses. A good herbal cleanse should allow the consumption of salads and/or fruits and vegetables.
Learn more about the benefits of a herbal cleanse for shedding excess pounds. Check out the Dherbs herbal weight loss supplement at: http://dherbs.com/store/weight-release-formula-p-68.html

Weight Loss Coaching and Its Many Benefits

If you are reading this, chances are that you're trying to shed those niggling extra pounds. The good news is that you are not alone. At any given point in time, several people are sailing in the same boat as you. Some find success easily, some have to work hard at it, while others trudge and trudge and trudge some more, but are unable to reach their desired weight.
In case you belong to this category of people, weight loss coaching is the answer to your weighty (pun intended) problem. Structured weight loss coaching programs may help you achieve your objective in a variety of ways such as:
You'll never feel alone in it: Losing weight is a huge challenge for a lot of people, especially those who easily surrender to temptation or lack the discipline to exercise every day. If you are trying to lose weight on your own, an already difficult task becomes even tougher. But in a weight loss coaching program, you'll become part of a group of people with the same end goal.
Human psyche works in strange ways. When you know that there are tons of other people in the same situation as you, it gives rise to a sense of camaraderie and an individual challenge becomes a team contest.
You will get professional assistance: You may be a big fan of DIY and mighty proud of it too, but the truth is that you may never get the same results if you try to lose weight on your own that you would if there was a professional guiding you.
Just think of it this way - the people who create these weight loss and diet coaching programs have put in years of research to come up with them. They are qualified to create these plans. They have the required knowledge and infrastructure to get results from the plans they create. Wouldn't it be a lot safer to let them help you reach your goals rather than trying it on your own and risking failure or worse, ill-health?
You will set realistic goals: All of us have, at some point or another, had unrealistic expectations of ourselves. "Oh, it's easy to shed 10 pounds. I can do it in a month." Sounds familiar? Like it or not, sometime we just overestimate our body's capacity to lose weight. We set goals that are too difficult and deadlines that are far too stretched. To avoid disappointment, we start pushing ourselves too much and one can just imagine what the results of that can be.
But if you have a professional weight loss coach guiding you, you'll be able to set realistic goals. Together, you and your weight loss coach will determine:
• How much weight you need to lose?
• How exactly are you going to lose this weight?
• How much time will you need to reach your goal weight?
You'll also be able to discuss meal plan and fitness regimen options depending on your body type, response to diets and physical exercise, nutritional requirements, etc. with your coach.
You will receive personalized help: Join a reputed weight loss coaching program and you're guaranteed personalized help. Any weight loss coaching program worth its salt will have a leader who's personally invested in your success and a team to guide you towards it. You can expect personal advice and support from the program leader. You can rely on the team for motivation, encouragement and to steer you back on track should you fall off course.
You will achieve permanent results: One of the biggest hurdles in any weight loss exercise is regaining the lost pounds. If you want to achieve permanent weight loss, you will have to make permanent changes to your life and weight loss coaching programs train you for just that. These programs teach you to eat a balanced healthy diet and make physical activity a regular feature of your day. If you follow the instructions on your weight loss plan, there's no way you will not be able to sustain your optimal weight.
So, are you up for the challenge? Are you ready to leave your weight problems behind? If yes, then it's time to start looking for a weight loss coaching program that's result-oriented, inspiring and has a proven record of success. With a structured weight loss program to guide you, you'll soon find a way to turn into a healthier, fitter and happier person.
Jason is a self-proclaimed fitness freak. He has made the journey from an out of shape 180-pounder to a 155-pound lean machine. The transformation was made possible by the weight loss program he started a few years ago and ever since then, he doesn't spare any opportunity to spread the good word around for these structured weight loss plans.
He lives in New York with his wife of two years. His other interests include traveling and painting. He has painted over 50 beautiful landscapes while visiting foreign countries and he plans on opening an art gallery in New York at the end of the year to display his artwork.

10 Weight Loss Statistics

On the surface, weight loss sounds like a simple concept: eat fewer calories than you burn, and you'll lose weight.
But our world's growing obesity problem has completely changed the way we view weight loss, leading to some truly desperate measures and shocking statistics.
Here are ten of the most startling facts about weight loss:
1. The whole world needs to lose weight.
According to the World Health Organization, 1 billion of the world's inhabitants are overweight. (That's almost equal to the number of people who are malnourished in the world.)
Globally, over 22 million children under the age of 5 are considered overweight. This epidemic is largely due to increased consumption of processed foods high in calories and saturated fat, and a decrease in physical activity.
2. Nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese.
The World Health Organization estimates that nearly two-thirds of all American adults are overweight. The National Center for Health Statistics recently found that 34% of Americans are clinically obese.
3. 50% of American women and 25% of American men are currently on a diet.
With numbers like the ones above, it's no wonder most Americans feel the need to count calories.
However, society's obsession with thinness comes at a price: Chronic dieting and emerging eating disorders are becoming more common among elementary school children.
4. America's top three killers are linked to obesity.
National Geographic published some eye-opening facts about mortality in the USA.
They found that the top three most statistically likely causes of death were heart disease (with a 1 in 5 chance), cancer (with a 1 in 7 chance), and stroke (with a 1 in 24 chance). All of these have been linked to excess weight.
5. Surprisingly, America isn't the world's fattest nation.
The World Health Organization gives that dubious honor to Samoa, where more than 93% of the population is overweight or obese. The Pacific isle of Kiribati comes next, with an 82% obesity rate.
America rounds out the top three, but is closely followed by Germany (66.5%), Egypt (66%), and Bosnia-Herzegovina (63%).
6. The weight loss industry is fat and happy.
The obesity epidemic might mean misery for some, but it's certainly padded the pockets of the weight loss industry.
In 2007 alone, the American Diatetic Association found that Americans spent $58 billion on weight loss products. Considering that obesity has gone global, you can imagine how lucrative the weight loss industry must be.
7. Over half of the diet industry's claims are false.
As with any booming industry, there are plenty of unscrupulous sellers trying to prey on people's weight loss dreams. The Federal Trade Commission published a study in 2002 which found that 55% of all weight loss claims "strained credibility".
The American Diatetic Association concurs, pointing out the fact that most weight loss products focus on atypical success stories instead of real chances of success.
8. Bariatric surgery doesn't always work.
Discouraged by multiple failed attempts at weight loss, more people than ever are turning to bariatric surgery. However, there is no evidence that gastric bypass or banding result in permanent weight loss.
The University of Virginia conducted a study that revealed gradual weight regain after 6 years post-surgery.
9. Diets don't work either.
The National Institute of Health has estimated that dieters can expect to regain two-thirds of their lost weight within a year of completing their diet plan. These dieters can expect to regain all of their weight, and possibly more, within 5 years.
10. Fortunately, there is a perfect recipe for lasting weight loss.
The National Weight Control Registry tracks 3,000 people who have lost more than 30 pounds and kept it off for more than a year.
They have found that most of the successful dieters have four behaviors in common: they keep a food journal and monitor their weight; they never skip breakfast; they get an hour of exercise almost every day; and they eat diets consisting of 24% fat, 56% carbs, and 19% lean protein.
You can follow that perfect weight loss recipe for yourself and enjoy better health for years to come.
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Weight Loss and the Real World

What happens when a new weight loss study is announced is that the media jump on it and you get headlines like:
How to lose weight while chowing down at work
Team sports help teens stay fit
The secret to weight loss? Pen and Paper
Weight-loss keys: Food journals, eating in, not skipping meals
Artificial sweeteners no silver bullet for losing weight
And the whole thing, whether or not it's valuable information, is hyped up and made into something much more than it really is. I've also noticed that much of the research merely provides evidence for what I've known and been teaching for many years now, so I'm not often surprised by the findings.
But let me tell you why this study information sometimes needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.
There are four main areas that we need to be concerned with for weight loss:
  1. Non-pharmaceutical weight loss products
  2. Pharmaceutical weight loss products
  3. Behaviour i.e. eating patterns & activity
  4. Fat clubs e.g. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig...
Non-pharmaceutical Weight loss products
This is the likes of Acai, Hoodia, teas, slimming drinks, patches, and all of the incredibly expensive products provided for people who think the solution to eating too much and not exercising enough is a tablet or a magic drink. This is the territory of the Health-Food shop/web site. Now I have to say I have absolutely no experience with any of these products, so if you've had good results using them, and you've kept the weight off, then let me know below. My gut feeling is that they are a waste of money and sales owe more to the skill of the advertisers than to any efficacy they possess.
Pharmaceutical weight loss products
There are not a lot of pharmaceutical weight loss products around but two are about to receive FDA approval: Belviq and Qnexa. They are both, in my opinion, attempts by the manufacturers to make $ billions rather than any serious attempt at providing a safe weight loss product. The stock of both the manufacturing companies went up through the roof as soon as they passed the first stage of FDA approval. Qnexa was originally rejected by the FDA two years ago, but I understand that the manufacturer spent a lot of money to convince the FDA panel that they should reconsider.
Both drugs contain components from an earlier weight loss drug that was withdrawn for safety reasons, and so they should be causing serious concern about the side-effects. But it seems the FDA is happy for the long-term safety trials to take place after approval. The benefit of using the drugs (in terms of weight lost) is so small when compared with known safe methods that they are just not worth the risk. Nevertheless as soon as they pass the final FDA hurdle (which they undoubtedly will) they will be prescribed in their billions by overworked doctors who will be grateful that they can spend two minutes printing a prescription, rather than providing counselling, education, and advice; alongside real help, support and encouragement.
Behaviour is the area of interest of most of the studies. Psychological studies (and that's what they are) require volunteers. Volunteers need to be informed about the subject area of the study. So you know you are signing up for a weight loss study. In order to do that you have probably given up trying to lose weight without help, and you are probably quite motivated because they are going to ask you to do stuff and you are going to have to comply - because that's what you agree with when you sign up. You are also in it with quite a few other people. You get the attention of the researchers. You get to feel that you are doing something worthwhile and helping others.
All of these things are motivational.
They are also not normal and not found in the real world of people struggling desperately to lose weight.
So, in part, studies are always studying themselves.
They create some circumstances and then test them out.
When you are given a diet plan and told to stick to it for 16 weeks as part of a study - most people will succeed. But give 100 people that same diet plan and never plan to contact them again and you'll find almost no one stuck to the diet for the full 16 weeks, because that's human nature. We behave differently when we know no one is watching and no one is checking up on us.
It doesn't matter what is being studied, we behave differently when we know we are being watched. The most interesting studies are when the participants are lied to. For instance one study pretended to be about testing the flavour of different cookies and that's what the participants thought they were doing, but they were actually being tested on how much they ate based on a drink they'd been given earlier to fill them up. Participants on a diet ate more cookies than those who were eating normally.
The real question that needs to be asked is 'does this work in the real world'.
What seems to work in the real world is eating a little less, exercising a little more, and re-learning to listen to your body.
Fat Clubs
Fat clubs are the socially acceptable places where you go when you want company in your attempts to lose weight. They provide a social environment. Everyone has the same problem. They give you solutions. If you follow their guidelines you lose weight. But I get a lot of clients who've tried these places and they still come to me for help. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Slimming World and the like do help you lose weight, but they use a dieting model, and dieting just doesn't work long-term. You don't sign up to these places for life. You sign up and stay until you either get fed-up with the classes, or reach your goal weight. Then you revert to your old-style eating patterns and before very long you are overweight again - only this time it's much harder to shift the weight.
Michael Hadfield, author of 'How to Lose Weight Easily', has been helping people to lose weight for around 14 years. If you really want to know why it's so much harder to shift the weight regained after a diet, and how you can lose it then check out http://www.hypnosisiseasy.com/weightcd.htm for a free video series on How to Lose Weight Easily

Weight Loss Diets for Women - Basic Principles

There are numerous weight loss diets for women available, because everybody has food related preferences. Therefore, women prefer to keep only certain diets that fit their lifestyle better. Here are some principles underlying the most famous diets.
One way that can help you reach the weight you desire is changing the metabolism by reducing the intake of carbohydrates, thereby dissolving the body fat. This diet is best suited for women who want to see immediate results.
Another famous principle that helps in losing weight is alternating a day in which you can eat whatever you desire and crave for, with a day in which you do not eat more than 500 calories. This method can block the process that stores fat, and it is also stated that it enhances the immune system.
Other weight loss diets for women state that a diet plan based on low-calorie foods, high protein, and non-fat, that has the purpose to significantly diminish your appetite is another way of reaching the weight you desire.
A good principle is also the division of carbohydrates depending on how fast your body processes and changes them into energy. Foods that release energy gradually are preferred, because they delay hunger and provide enough energy throughout a day.
Other diets include a principle that promotes the adjustment of the insulin in the body within certain levels, by eating food at optimal time intervals and keeping the right balance. It is also important to keep an eye on the other hormones. This way the body works within an ideal zone, ensuring weight loss and a high level of energy.
Other weight loss diets for women suggest low-fat and low-calorie food, or calorie counting. For the last one, you have to determine how many calories everything you eat or drink has. For losing weight, you should keep the day-by-day calories intake lower than your body and daily activities require.
Another way of losing weight is breaking the cycle that causes the insulin levels to rise or fall, a process that occurs as a result of eating quickly absorbed carbohydrates, thus encouraging you to snack. This is another diet that helps losing weight fast and it also helps eliminate the extra pounds around the abdomen.
All you have to do is to choose the diet that fits your taste and needs the best, because there are many weight loss diets for women available on the market, online, or in magazines.
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Weight Loss and Diet - How to Reduce Weight Quickly

The struggle for a fit and attractive body has been the prime emphasis of the common masses more than ever, now-a-days.
Lots of people facing weight loss issues have tried ample number of methods to lose their weight, but hardly gained success mainly due to their misconceptions regarding the right amount and type of food needed to be consumed.
'The Diet Solution Program' offers a very unique approach towards healthy food and weight loss guidelines.
It's been the result of Isabel De Los Rios's personal experience and hard work and is now destroying the common myth which makes us believe that dieting is nothing but starvation or consuming tasteless, boring diet foods through the imposition of very strict dietary disciplines over our whole life.
In it, she also explains the science on how sugar causes weight gain.
At first, the program pays special attention to all those view points and advices put forward by various nutrition experts whom very often seem to misguide people.
To say for example, one of the biggest mistakes made while dieting is 'starving'.
In actuality starving has the complete opposite effect than believed, because at times of extreme hunger, the body tends to hold on to the fat than getting rid of it, making weight loss impossible.
As probably figured out by ourselves, no diet can actually be successful by imposing different types and amounts of food that really don't suit our taste buds.
While most diet programs seen advertised on the television promote counting calories, but that approach doesn't produce the results needed since the amount of calories consumed doesn't matter as much as the quality of food eaten.
Thanks to The Diet Solution, it is now possible to know what are the foods to avoid that could negatively lead in enormous blood sugar level increases after consumption (whole wheat bread, orange juice, cereal etc) as well as those that positively influence in burning fat (whole eggs, bacon, steak and many more).
Most importantly, one would also learn why it is necessary to avoid processed and packaged foods that contain lots of sugar and chemicals that are bad for us.
The Diet Solution program would teach us everything in and out on how to practice a flexible diet that would not take over our life, but would rather suit our life habits and still enable us to lose weight.
Thanks to the step-by-step approach given in the book, we can still start slowly by applying one change at a time and generate the results the way we want.
When ordering today, you'll get everything included inside the Diet Solution Program.
-The Diet Solution manual, a metabolism typing test (which helps you personalize the diet to your metabolism type), the success journal you can use to keep track of your progress, and all of the supplemental materials too - the food shopping guide, the quick start guide, the top 10 nutritional mistakes keeping you fat guide, the Diet Solution recipe book that contains some simple, delicious, and yet healthy recipes, and the completely done-for-you meal plans so you don't even have to think about what to eat and when to eat it.
The sad part is that the Diet Solution is not available in any stores. It can only be ordered online. The regular price is actually $97, but now there is a special discount, making the whole package available for only $47.
If you're desperately craving for a slim figure, grasping straws and wanting to initiate something absolutely new, hoping for a miracle to happen, then this modern approach towards dieting could be your ultimate solution.
To know more about the Diet Solution Program and also to get more exclusive tips on weight loss, kindly visit http://exclusiveweightlosstips.com

Easy Meal Planning For Weight Loss

Maintaining a healthy body weight can be tough and losing weight a more difficult task. If you have tried to shed pounds before and were unsuccessful, you might think that meal plans do not work for you. There are plenty of simple but effective ways to avoid common meal planning blunders and achieve long-lasting weight loss success.
Here are some helpful tips for meal planning for weight loss.
Plan Your Meal - Planning your meals in advance helps you develop new health behaviors. Without preparation you may always struggle with your diet and yoyo-ing weight. Before rushing to the supermarket for your weekly shop, stop and take some time to plan out the upcoming week. Include healthy lunches and snacks that you can throw in a bag for your busiest days. Make sure you choose fresh and organic food as well as lean cuts of meat for the healthiest choices.
Healthy And Simple - Planning for your daily meals and snacks need not to be complicated. Simple foods like fruits and nuts contains plenty of nutrients yet with less-calories which is best for your diet. Simple yet nutritious. There are plenty of websites that can help you plan nutitious, healty and simple meals.
Plan Healthy Treats - Choose to be healthy by purchasing natural and healthy foods. Foods such as low-fat cheese, yogurt, veggies, and fresh fruit are great choices for a low-calorie diet. Keep these food readily available in your home and in your workplace. As much as possible, avoid junk foods that have no nutritional value and only add calories to your diet.
Start With Breakfast- Starting your day with a healthy breakfast will boost your metabolism and save you from mindless nibbling and bingeing later on. Individuals who consume breakfast regularly tend to consume less-calories throughout the day.
Prepare Your Meals Ahead - Preparing healthy meals ahead of time will help you stay motivated and you will have more control on your meals and snacks. This keeps you from buying unhealthy foods that often lead to overeating.
Drink more water- Replacing soda, alcohol and other drinks with water will help you lose weight more because these drinks contains high amount of calories which can disrupt you from achieving your goal. Water is essential for the body because it hydrates and aids in the fat burning process.
Maintaining weight requires you to practice a healthy and balanced diet. To lose weight, you should consume less calories than you burn but do so with a healthy plan in mind. Meal planning for weight loss involves discipline and vital in order to be successful in your weight loss goal.
Next to learn more about how to lose weight successfully, or how to get rid of mommy tummy click here to receive our free ebook How to Boost Your Metabolism for healthy weight loss.